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​“Discipleship Lessons” 

“The Fruit of The Spirit”  

God works!  
That is something we firmly believe.
As we draw near to Him, 
we see His presence affect our lives.
Paul refers to these new traits as the
Fruit of the Spirit.

Lesson 1:  Love .......................................

Lesson 2:  Joy .........................................

Lesson 3:  Peace ......................................

Lesson 4:  Longsuffering and Patience .....

Lesson 5:  Kindness .................................

Lesson 6:  Goodness ................................

Lesson 7:  Gentleness ..............................

Lesson 8:  Self-Control ............................

Lesson 9:  Faithfulness ............................
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 ​“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, 
and the love of God, and 
the communion of the Holy Spirit 
be with you all.  Amen.”
2 Corinthians 13:14 NKJV

“One Step To Freedom” curriculum provided by “The Most Excellent Way Christian Fellowship” with permission.